‘In a fast changing world if you can’t learn, unlearn and relearn you are lost’ (Stoll, L et al , 2003)
Professional development days without any barometer on retention, actual application or even shared belief in the proposition make negligible impact on long term changes to practice or mind set. Long term and sustainable change is brought about by high quality training, coaching and reflective practice over time which encourages teachers and trainers to identify their own self found solutions to the challenges of teaching and learning.
Teachers only change their professional practice when they can see a pay-off in terms of their own improved effectiveness in the classroom and have identified the evidence of improved pupil progress for themselves. This process takes time to evolve and impact on attitudes, beliefs, values and practice. The journey begins with encouraging teachers to make small but significant tweaks to practice that pay off immediately in terms of modifying pupil learning behaviours and improving their learning. Over time, through classroom based inquiry, online technology and peer coaching, we encourage active member partner teams to take creative risks and further develop and embed highly effective pedagogy through reflective practice. In this way we empower staff or coordinators to become leaders of learning, collaboratively seeking out the challenges to outstanding teaching and learning and identifying their own solutions.
When our implementation involvement concludes, what remains is a sustainable Against the Odds Mentality process which empowers teaching and training development, supports ongoing reflective practice and propels innovation in delivery, teaching and learning.